The Art of Aromatherapy – Self Paced Audio Course


In this audio course, we’ve broken down the wide world of aromatherapy into ten easily digestible segments. The course explores the chemistry of essential oils with their therapeutic benefits and covers the basics of blending through the lenses of the chakras, aromatic profiles, plant parts and more. Listen at your own pace – each segment is 10 minutes, for a total of 100 minutes of instruction.

You may have just heard about essential oils and aromatherapy, or you may have quite a few oils and are looking for new and creative ways to use them, or to learn about why this modality works at all. Maybe you’re looking for healthy, natural ways to bring about greater vitality and wellbeing, to naturally lift mood and find greater peace of mind. Whatever brings you here, if you have an interest in essential oils and aromatherapy – and want to explore natural remedies and tools for self-healing – you’re in the right place. 

In this course, you’ll spend 100 minutes learning about essential oils, broken down into easily digestible 10 minute segments.

We hope you’ll come out the other side a virtual “expert” in essential oils, without the lengthy and costly time investment of reading a shelf full of books or taking in-person trainings. You’ll learn how and why essential oils exist and how to use them in your own life. This course is designed both to pique your interest for further study as well as give you all the foundations to start your own aromatherapy practice. Taught by Stephanie Ariel, author, certified aromatherapist and owner of Artisan Aromatics.

Course includes ten 10-minute segments:

  • Segment 1: Aromatherapy: What is it?
  • Segment 2: The chemical profiles of essential oils and the science of aromatherapy
  • Segment 3: The Basics of Blending
  • Segment 4: Building your Home Apothecary – the Essentials and Beyond
  • Segment 5: Energetic profiles of essential oils
  • Segment 6: Chakra Correlations
  • Segment 7: Clearing Qi & Balancing the 5 Elements
  • Segment 8: Integrative Aromatherapy Practices
  • Segment 9: Getting Real with Remedies: sleep, anxiety and mood
  • Segment 10: Essential Visualizations: Embodying the Practice


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